Thursday, September 18, 2008

First Day of School

So Nicky and some of the other girls in our ward got together and decided to put a pre-school program together. Its twice a week and they rotate where it is at and who is in charge of teaching. They have field trips, lessons, and other activities planned out. Caleb was so excited to start school. He couldn't wait to use his backpack and his new pencils and crayons and other fun school tools. He actually didn't want to leave when it was time to go. Of course we had to take away his scissors already because he was having way too much fun with those. Caleb really loved having Spiderman on his backpack and lunch pale.


Anonymous said...

Man I miss you guys! You have a beautiful family. Thank goodness your little ones got their good looks from Nicky! hahaha! Just kidding they are adorable. Nicky you so do not look as far as you are!! Woman eat some food!! I am so excited for you guys with your new little one and your new home! I wish it were a little coser to yours truly, but as long as you are happy (and i mean Nicky, long as Nicky is happy) :)
I wish I could be there to help you out. I miss you and love you tons!!
- maarsi jackman

Darci said...

We actually did the same thing last year and had a blast. May I suggest the Mother Goose time corriculum. It was great. We started off with Joy School and hated it. The Mother Goose Time is meant to be everyday but we just adjusted it for our schedule. The kids loved it and all the stuff came ready to go so there is hardly any prep time for the mothers. Have fun and good luck.